Contracts & Grants Policies and Procedures

More often than not, the hardest part of contract and grant management is attempting to keep up with the policies and governing regulations. Compiled to assist faculty and staff, this site compiles the most relevant policies and procedures governing the fiscal management of grants. As some of this information changes very quickly, it is important to contact the Special Funds Accountant for the latest guidance.

University Policies

Federal Regulations

  1. Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 
  2. National Institute of Health (USDHHS)
  3. Federal Acquisition Regulation
  4. NASA Grants Management and Shared Services
  5. OMB Sponsored Circulars Directory
  6. Federal Procurement and Cost Accounting
  7. Federal Funding Accountability & Transparency Act
  8. National Science Foundation Policies & Procedures Guidance

Answers to other questions may be found at the Office of Sponsored Scholarship and Programs (OSSP).

For more information please see the Contracts & Grants section of the Finance Forms page.